For a brief moment…


As I watch you from across the room

Glistening in all your splendor

I wonder if you’re really with me.

If I am really here

If any of this is real

If it has ever been real

If I am awake or dreaming

Or better still; if I am ever truly awake.

We spend our days and nights

Living, loving, laughing together

Lost in each other.

But sometimes I feel like I have never seen you

Like you are hidden

Right there, besides me each day; but hidden.

Like I only see glimpses of you

When the clouds clear.

Clouds of my thoughts

Of my anxieties

Of my unfulfilled dreams

Of my unrealistic fantasies

Of my past regrets

Of my worries for the future.

And as these clouds grow denser and darker

The world around me blurs

Your presence diminishes

Days lose meaning

Weeks go by in a blink

Memories that we built together — Lost

Never to be found again

I walk around in this haze for years

Unsettled and groggy

Present but distant

Alive but dead

Awake but in a slumber

Right besides you; but miles away.

And then for a brief moment

The clouds cleared from the sky

And I saw you…

And in that moment, there was no doubt

I was wide awake

I was there

And so were you.

I looked through your eyes and it was as if all filters were gone

And I could see you…for the very first time.

In all your beauty

For all your simplicity

For all the things that stirred inside you and made you beat

Beyond all the trappings that we create for ourselves

I saw you.

For a brief moment, all thoughts and feelings escaped

No sadness; No joy

No expectation; No judgement

No longing; No ache for something missing

No idea of perfection; No concept of beauty

Just you...and me.

It was as if the universe paused for a brief moment and allowed us to dance

Dance to the beat of the moment

The rhythm of life

To fly with no wings

To float with no buoys.

But just as all good things do, the moment too ceased

I tried to grasp it in my palms

Holding onto it in quiet desperation

But it was all in vain

And all I could do was watch

As this tiny sliver of time slowly slipped away from my hands.

The clouds descended once again

And covered your pretty face

A familiar sense of discomfort seeped in

I was back in the haze.

But something felt different,

The clouds seemed less dense; Not as dark

A dim light from the sky, pierced through the clouds.

And even in my despair, I felt warm within.

I looked across the room

And watched you…glisten in all your splendor.

And I longed.

Longed for that brief moment

When time stood still for us

Longed to float again

Longed to be free again

And to look to my side

To find you besides me.


Excuse me